LicensingBringing the best to Turn 10

As the Group Manager for the Licensing team, Kim is a veteran of navigating the challenging process that brings the cars, brands, and music we love into our Forza titles. When not immersed in the details of license agreements, Kim is immersed in music – she loves and listens to all genres, and plays drums – helping her to keep a calm focus during licensing negotiations.
What is the best thing about your role?

What are some of the most unusual or ambitious projects that you’ve worked on at Turn 10?
"My very first licensing task when I came to the Studio was licensing Edinburgh Castle for FH4. That was really interesting and required lots of early morning calls to Historic Environment Scotland. Also, delivering on content for FH4. We were able to license about 96% of the requested content for that game, including introducing Game Pass as a new concept to our OEMs and getting them to agree to sign up for that."